
Graphics card dual monitor HELP! Nvidia people or Dell doesn't matter!?

i'm getting a Zotac GeForce 6200A Video Card - 512MB AGP graphics card an i have a Intel 82865g graphics controller. If i plug a monitor in the graphics card's VGA an another in the graphics controller VGA could i run two monitors?


dell 4600i

p4 2.80 processor

3.50gb ram

40gb hard drive(x2)

also extreme graphics 2 allows for dual monitors(if that helps)|||Er, you should be able to run dual monitors by plugging *both* monitors into the graphics card. Most graphics cards I know now have two monitor slots.|||The problem with Dell is the power supply unit will not have enough power to support the extra graphic Card. You need a 600 watt power supply.

As for two monitors? The video card cannot be AGP as the on-board video is agp controlled. If you get a video card that is pci or pci Express, you will have better luck. With a video card. you have to disable onboard video and have the card as primary.without the card drivers loaded as most recent cards require you to load the drivers later, ie where VgaSafe.is the default video adapter.

When you restart, let it load go to desktop. shut down, Turn on go to bios and enable onboard video. You realise that onboard takes memory from the ram?

40gb hard drive is no good! you need to maintain 20% free space on the main drive at all times. Get a 250 gb HDD or at least a 160gb hdd. Costs only $80!

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